Monday, February 9, 2009

Three (or more) is a crowd

After going out with my hubby (and two other couples) on Saturday night, on the heels of a mini-get away with the hubby the weekend before, I am beginning to realize that it is not only nice, but essential to be able to spend quality time with your hubby away from the kids. For numerous reasons, I feel like I rarely do this - as my mom cares for our kids when we're at work, I feel really badly asking her to help out on the weekend, but I feel worse paying someone else babysit when I could just give my mom the money. So I have found that increasingly, we spend no time together alone unless we're going to do errands (and it's truly a sorry state of affairs when a trip to the grocery store is a date). That's cute when you're dating - not so much when you're married. So this is my plug for re-connecting. I've decided that in my quest to find the ultimate balance, having a social life with my hubby is one of the best presents I could give to my kids.

Then my friend forwarded this article to me ... the author said it so well, I decided to share the link ... let me know what you think!


Justice Fergie said...

agreed. i used to be so good about planning our monthly date nights...and then baby #3 arrived! we're trying to get back in the swing of things, starting this weekend for V-day.

JayJayGhatt said...

ooh! so glad to see you posting more. i have to catch up!