Monday, January 12, 2009

"Me First" Sunday

So this Sunday I decided to put "me" first after my mom shared an excerpt of the Michelle Obama biography with me on Saturday.  According to the book, when Michelle was up early one morning with baby Sasha, feeling tired and out of shape, she looked across to see her husband (yes, that would be Barack Obama) sleeping soundly at her side.  Michelle then decided - at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym only to get home and find that her girls were up and fed.  Michelle then commented that with men the order of things is: "me" first, family second, God is somewhere in the equation then there is everything else. She then correctly noted that with women, we have the tendency to put "me" fourth.

This reminds me of the decision that I made when Prince was born (almost five years after I suffered through numerous nighttime feedings, changings, burpings etc., etc., with Princess).  Much like Doree in Nemo who sings "just keep swimming", I forced myself to "just keep sleeping" when Prince woke up crying.  I thought to myself, if I just keep sleeping at some point my husband would hear the son who he adored and feel the need to care for his needs just as I did (particularly because my husband always goes into work later than I do).  And to my surprise, I was right.  My theory worked.  Night after night I listened to my hubby dutifully wake up and care for our son until it got to the point where even if I woke up to care of him, he screamed and cried and demanded his dad.  Yet, in so many other areas of my life, I find myself slipping into the "me fourth" pattern.  

So on Saturday when Princess started commenting that her body hurt (i.e. her muscles hurt) after gymnastics and swimming classes that I dutifully take her to and sit on my behind for two hours while ensuring that she gets the necessary exercise to stay fit and healthy, I decided - tomorrow, it's "me" first.  And I did it - woke up at 9:30 - headed to my hot yoga class by 10:00 then got home by noon and proceeded to be mommy again.  Of course, I felt a bit out of sorts for the rest of the day.  But today, my muscles ache ... and I can smile from the effects of "me first Sunday"!

1 comment:

Justice Fergie said...

good for you! it's always so hard for mom to put herself first. part of doing that involves a little "letting go" too. sometimes i think that if i do it, it won't get done. and, well, it might not (or it won't get done the way i would have done it) but the world will keep on turning. it's the "letting go" part that i struggle with!