Friday, October 16, 2009

Change is in!

What a summer it's been!  Got a new job - this explains the fact that I haven't updated my blog basically since I accepted that job.  It's kind of weird, I feel like I'm in this state of suspended animation - I haven't worked out or blogged since. I have this feeling that this change has added a huge weight on the scale, and I've been operating with this fear, that the slightest thing might tip the scale in the wrong direction.  So I've dropped a few non-essentials and tried to focus on big picture things.  I'm carefully trying to balance all the natural stressers that go along with a new job, while incorporating all the essential fall activities - kids back at school, parent volunteer activities, required school events, kid's birthdays and of course, extra-curricular activities.  

So to go along with the new job, I'm focusing on having a new attitude.  These are my new rules: Simplify. I've embraced the reality that each child does not need to do 5 activities to be well rounded.  Princess is now doing two activities only (gymnastics and piano) and Prince is doing one (swimming).  The nice thing about having a big spread between the kids is that you can cut yourself some slack.  Princess only started taking piano lessons seriously last year and she's excelling.  So now I know I need not spend thousands (literally) of dollars taking Prince to music classes between the ages of 3-6. Embrace.  Embrace the imbalance and especially the tough moments.  So instead of getting frustrated with the significant parental involvement that homework necessitated last year, I've decided that I'm going to view this as an opportunity to keep learning.  I'm learning new ways to do math and new facts about US history (which I never studies as a kid since I did not grow up in the US).  

Here's the punch line - now that I've embraced the need to help with homework, Princess has taken another one of those turns - she doesn't seem to need my help anymore.  Not sure how long this will last ... but it sure feels good and it is a reminder that change is inevitable.  Even as I typed this blog, Prince started screaming because he wanted to look at the Power Puff girls on my iphone, but for some reason it wouldn't work.  I just kept typing - said a few calm words to him - and kept typing.  Then remarkably, the crying stopped. I've finished my post and I'm reminded  - change is inevitable - no condition in life is permanent ... not even a crying baby (that would be my now four year old son)!


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