Saturday, October 24, 2009

Girls Day Out

So Princess recently joined this after school activity - "Go Girls Go".  A phenomenal program introduced by her PE teacher to get the 3-6th grade girls bonding and focusing on healthy attitudes.   A part of this program involves a few Saturday excursions with girls and their moms.  Today was the first - a hike through Rock Creek Park.  Not sure why I was under the impression that this would be a leisurely stroll through the park, inhaling fresh air and observing the fall leaves.  Instead, it's a power walk through the trail - up hill, down hill, around hill.  The moral of the story - when a PE teacher is leading a hike, it is meant to be heart rate increasing exercise.  It is now 9:40 and I still have not recovered - mild throbbing pain in my head coupled with aching joints.  Girls Day Out has certainly lead to Mom's night in as Princess is off at a sleep over with her girls.  On the bright side, Prince is neatly tucked away in bed (as not to be undone, he had a friend sleep over tonight too)! All's well that ends well.  Now for a martini and a good night's rest.

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